moonlight movie review.

To summarise, the movie "moonlight" is about a boy named Chiron who grew up in the ghetto and is mocked for being homosexual or acting homosexual, for him to grow up in the hood is especially hard. At the time, his mother was very harsh on him and she knew he was gay. She would always take drugs and i'm pretty sure she was a hooker. He also did not have a father figure until a trapper came along and became his father figure, he helped him swim, fed him, made his life a lot better. At the time he also made friends with a boy named kevin. When he was older, around 15-18, Life was even more difficult as his mother was addicted to drugs more and she would take money from him. He had to cope with being gay and his life was difficult in high school, Kevin and Chrion were very close and the ended up having feelings for each other. There was one boy named Terrel who was more harsh against him than the rest of the people in the class, he would always bully him and even made Chiron's best friend (Kevin) beat him up. This led to Chiron getting frustrated and hitting Terrel with a chair which led to him being arrested and eventually, he moved to atlanta. The movie shows Chiron after 10 years and he explains that when he reached Atlanta, he decided to start his life over and began building on his body and he ended up being muscley. He also later became a trapper. The movie ends with him resolving his issues with his mother and him befriending his friend kevin again.

I think this movie is somewhat similar to i'm not sure but maybe "city of god" but it's the only movie that comes to mind. I don't watch a lot of gay films.

I particularly liked the fact that Chiron got to hit Terrel with a chair because he truly deserved it. What I didn't like was that sometimes the film would get kinda boring and also the part where they kissed made me cringe and it's only because I don't approve of 2 men kissing. (i'm sorry if you're reading this and you are gay)

I think for Chiron, He will marry Kevin because in the ending it was of them 2 sitting with each other and I think his mother would approve of his marriage because she has now found peace with her son. I think they will adopt a child and I think Chiron won't trap any more. I also think they will settle down for the years to come and live the rest of their lives happily.


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