Editing video task and learner response

Learner respone:

From Mr Halsey

Moa: No
180°: Yes

  • Nice opening shot with smooth camera movement-often a rare sight in student productions.
  • Continuity editing/match-on-action just isn't there.
  • The flick to black screen ruins any sense of continuity
  • I don't like the huge text on screen-you should be able to tell a simple story without resorting to this.
  • At one point,continuity is completely wrong-0:33, the edit seems like match-on-action but the character changes
  • no dialogue, no shot-reverse-shot
  • I'm afraid this doesn't meet the brief at all
As stated by Mr Halsey, i didn't meet the brief, however, this is because I had less information and I didn't know how the planning went for the clips that I used in my video that I edited. The three editing techniques I learnt is that: There has to be continuity otherwise the audience may be confused. It's better when you're the person who knows the story line but the audience need to be able to understand it too. I've also learnt that sometimes flicking the page to black ruins the sense of continuity. Also, I need to make the text bigger because it is too big and distracts the audience.

My strengths were that the opening shot was good because it had smooth camera movement. My weaknesses are that the video doesn't have much continuity and has a couple of errors. I just need to focus on the brief and make sure it reaches the criteria. I'd say I just need to be the one filming the clips so I know what the clip is about and what planning went into it. The aspect of editing that I found most difficult is finding a way to communicate with the audience and make them understand what my story is supposed to be like.


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